DETOX AND DECLUTTER– Where outer order brings inner calm.
DETOX AND DECLUTTER– Where outer order brings inner calm.
One of my biggest dreads and desires is spring cleaning. I have such a craving for simplified spaces and routines but where and how to start and knowing that “the dishes are ever done”, keeps me stuck in in-action.
I have been thinking a lot about “detox” recently. We see the detox-genes on the genetic profiles we test and look at this when patients are just not losing weight or struggle with the following:
A history of increasing sensitivity to chemicals, pollution, odors, fumes, cosmetics, detergents or medications
Abundant use of medications or potentially toxic chemicals in the patient’s environment Musculoskeletal symptoms (similar to fibromyalgia)
Cognitive dysfunction
Tingling of skin on one side of the body
Autonomic dysfunction (inappropriate sweating, cold feelings, dizziness, nausea, low blood sugar, heart beating fast)
Swelling of body
Worsening of symptoms after anaesthesia or pregnancy
Unusual responses to medications or supplements
Feeling vaguely unwell and persistently fatigued
Sudden onset of an autoimmune disease or a chronic neurologic disorder (dementia, nerve dysfunction, Parkinson’s)
a personal or strong family history of cancer
a long history of constipation
There are so many articles on detoxification (that is why this is a blog and not another article) and perhaps looking at the principles of poor detoxification, may also be a good starting point to simplify my life and work.
Let’s take a closer look.
Remove toxins:
Just like we limit and reduce the exposure and intake of toxic or harmful (to our body) substances, we can also remove and reduce toxic exposure to certain people, information, thoughts and behaviors.
Minimise the damage:
With the first phase of liver detoxification, toxic or potentially harmful substances gets identified and activated (making them more harmful to our body if the second phase of detox is not working fast enough). Unfortunately, we see in most people their genes are more prone to give enzymes working too fast/ pushing toxins to the worst pathways while the phase 2 enzymes are prone to be slow.
To minimize damage, we ensure enough antioxidants and try to push the toxins to less toxic pathways. Similarly, because we are not able to hide from all the toxic influences in our lives, we can attempt to deal with it differently and put measures in place to minimize the fall-out.
Get (the enzymes) moving:
To get rid of those active, angry, dangerous toxins, our liver has several ways to make those molecules less toxic. Mostly by binding it to other molecules, we can ensure we get enough healthy vitamins and minerals in our food and supplements (and with genetics even target this) and help these enzymes to do their job fast and efficiently.
In our lives, sometimes just starting and going over into action can be the catalyst to getting our lives back in to balance.
The last broad category to detox well, is to open the exits. The (few) toxins that you were exposed to, is now nicely bound and ready to get excreted (and yes, it is exactly like it sounds) via your gut, kidneys, lungs and skin.
The better these organs function and the more you support it, the lighter you will become and feel. This is also how I want to feel by decluttering my life and space – lighter, free, open and spacious (with the added benefit of having more energy and headspace).
How do we do this in practice? Where do we start?
Limit exposure – remove things you don’t need before trying to organize.
We are living in a consumerist world where we are threatened with the fear of missing out if we do not buy more and own more.
If we combine our need to get more with the information overload we are bombarded with, our limited headspace is also swallowed up by a lack of silence.
Can we let go of what we do not need?
Can we first see what we can re-use or recycle before buying more?
Can we switch off screens, limit news and be aware of social media algorithm traps that keep us polarized?
Can we limit the time spent with toxic people?
And, because we are on the topic of detox, limit the toxic non-foods we are eating?
Minimise the damage by protecting your health and psyche. Hydrate, eat healthier, get help with sleep and burn-out.
Build the daily habits slowly (think Atomic Habits by James Clear) that changes everything. Even when you feel you are too busy keeping up with journalling/ being grateful/ prayer/ meditation and breathing, these will likely lead to more “productivity” and protecting you from the toxic influences.
Get into action – sometimes when we do not know where to start, just starting is the answer. Get out of your head, stop making lists, put your timer on for 10 minutes, your music on loud and empty that drawer to get some momentum.
Be open and let go! Let go of perfectionism, let go of the productivity books (they haven’t worked until now) and become a lazy genius!
I hope that by the time you hear from me again, that my car or at least a drawer, is free from clutter and may your outer order bring you inner calm!
Take a look at these links for some of my favourite resources on this topic: